Monday, April 25, 2011

To Throw the Letter or Not

I think, everyone reaches a point in their lives whereby you are suddenly unsure of what you want. Well, actually there are many points in life whereby you come to a crossroad and that is the time that a decision needs to be made, and kept to.
Nothing seems right. Things no longer seem agreeable. I get frustrated easily. I think, I come upon to the peak, the peak from which my tolerance starts to wane and I dream the dream of making a sudden yet heroic exit from this shithole of a company. Oh what a fantasy that would be, but the reality is, I will have to serve 2 months' notice, during which, am sure the Queen Bee will spare all efforts towards tormenting me.
So, am writing this, because I do not want to fall asleep. Sleep would bring tomorrow to my doorstep and right now, tomorrow seems less than appealing. I need to find a way to cheer up fast, before I sink deeper into self-pity, which is the least productive state of mind to be in.
So please someone, anyone, just cheer me up ok? Because this world, this working world, is putting me on a fast track to Woodbridge.

My dream for now is to be undisturbed in my knowledge-seeking expenditures. Libraries in Prague. Please wait for me.


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