Thursday, June 9, 2011

Letter thrown, yet...

Yet, the situation is getting more and more ridiculous.
1) I throw the letter. No, actually I placed it on her desk on Friday night. 290411
2)She sees it, reads it on Saturday morning. 300411
3) Dark clouds gather, after a while she calls me into her office for a private talk.
4) I give all sorts of reasons I want to leave, valid ones of course. But left out the main reason- I simply can't stand her.
5) She asks if it is my final decision and I say it is. She smiles and says she is ok
6) I take that ok. ACCEPTED RIGHT??????
7) A week later she tells me to make a trip to INC.
7)Night before the trip, she lefts me to think, reflect, and reconsider.
8)I return from trip. Tell her I still intend to leave on 29th. She asked if that is final. I said it is.
9) She hands my letter to HR. I was not present.
10) I know for a fact they received it. Gossipvale had a field day.

To be continued....... better go read up on mom laws.

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